Better Sex

How To Have Better Sex More Often

If you have been in a serious relationship for any real length of time then you know that the average couple is going to run into a rut with their sex life from time to time. This is to be expected with our busy lives keeping us on the run and over stressed most of the time. Don’t let anyone kid you. Sex is a good thing. It is a proven fact that couples that enjoy a happy sex life can be much happier in their complete relationship. Sex is a pick me up that puts a little pep in your step the all natural way.

It is not always easy to keep that libido pumped up, but it can be done if your heart is into it. Don’t let the fact that you are tired slow you down to the point that sex becomes non-existent. Set a challenge for yourself. Make it a point to have sex everyday for an entire week with your mate. Don’t let anything come between you and your goal.

The first thing you need to do is get your mate on board with the plan. You both must come to terms with the plan and agree that there will be no excuses accepted. This does not mean that you need to schedule every sex encounter for 10pm. Just know that you will have sex everyday for a week at some point and time during the day. The important thing is that you fit sex into your daily schedule.

Usually what happens is that the guy is always ready for sex, but he gets tired of having to start the process every time. The women usually feels like the pressure is on her to perform as willingly even if she is not in the mood. This is why communication is so important. Talk about the issues before you start on this 7 days sex binge and make sure everything is out into the open.

During this 7 day sex extravaganza make sure that you take turns as the aggressor. It should be up to one person to make the move every other day. This is a week of sexual exploration. You can do things you have not done since you first hooked up. Make love all night, hold each other, try new positions, or at least positions you have not used in some time.

Get the most out of foreplay. Take this time to once again explore your partners body and let them know how much they mean to you. This is the week where you go all out and rekindle the sexual spark that may have blown out. Make it fun, make it exciting and hot. Sure life has got you down and there are many things that cloud your mind, but you can put that off to the side long enough to engage in the one activity that completely bonds you and your mate as one. You can have more sex, regardless of the pressures of life, and draw closer to your partner as well.