Better Sex

5 Benefits That Warrant An Active Sexual Relationship

Relationships with those we love can be great, but they can also be very complicated. Some couples place more emphasis on the sexual part of the relationship than others. This can cause mixed feelings and can lead to serious issues that could eventually pull some couples apart. This is not to imply that sex should be the core deciding factor of every couples success or failure. However, the sexual phase is important and should be properly addressed.

If you want to enhance the opportunities for more sex then you often need to make a case for it. In today’s society normally both in the couple need to work. In many cases there are kids in the home and the stress levels are going through the roof. It is easy for many to identify numerous reasons to avoid sex, but we are here to tell you that there are valid reasons for it.

If you are having trouble motivating your partner to regularly participate in the sexual side of the relationship, here are 5 benefits that warrant an active sexual relationship that might put them back in the mood:

Calorie Burner – I am sure you know this, but an aggressive round of sex can burn hundreds of calories. We are into bike riding and power walking too, but burning calories during sex has got to be much more enjoyable. Being active in sex improves self esteem and can enhance your sexual libido.
Stress Burner – What a great way to relieve stress after a long day in the dog eat dog world. Stress can be very detrimental to your health. Why not reduce your stress and have some fun with the one you love at the same time.
Restful Sleep – Sex is like anything else, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. The more energy you burn during sex the more tired you are when the party is over. Studies have indicated that those engaging in sex tend to sleep more restful.
Longer Life – If you enjoy living and want to live longer, then start having more sex. Sexual activity is good for the cardio and offers numerous health benefits. Enjoy more sex and enjoy a longer, happier life together. If that is not good news for enhancing sex we don’t know what is.
Relationship Bonding – Perhaps the greatest benefit from enjoying sex with your partner is the opportunity to bond; to actively connect to one another. Sure, there are many ways to bond, but exchanging bodily fluids is about as close as it gets. Sex should be about providing pleasure for your partner. It is a wonderful time to express your love in a different way.

The active sex life can distribute many benefits to your relationship. In this world today it is easier to find reasons to say no, than to say yes. It takes little effort to avoid activities that require a little extra from us. Sometimes we need to say yes to things that can benefit us and make the extra effort. Again, we are not saying that love is all about sex, or that everyone should drop everything in their lives to engage in it. All we are saying is that sex can play a beneficial role in our relationship if we give it the proper focus the activity deserves.